Shell Script para buscar y eliminar archivos duplicados

El script de shell buscará nombres de archivos duplicados dentro de los subdirectorios y les pedirá que los eliminen. Si md5sum de los archivos es el mismo, concluimos que está duplicado.

Esto ayuda al administrador del sistema Linux a eliminar copias innecesarias para reducir el espacio utilizado. El script le pedirá al usuario que ingrese al directorio donde buscar archivos duplicados.

Shell Script para eliminar archivos duplicados


#file, where we will store full list of files.

#we ask user to enter directory where search for duplicated files
echo -n "Please enter directory where to search for duplicated files: "

#we read user input
while read dir


#we check if user input is not empty
test -z "$dir" && {

#if user input empty we ask once more to enter directory
echo -n "Please enter directory: "



#if directory entered, exit from while loop


#getting list of files inside entered directory
find $dir -type f -print > $ListOfFiles

#writing list of files to variable
FileList=`cat $ListOfFiles`

#we get number of files
count=`wc -l $ListOfFiles| awk '{print $1}'`


#we get files one by one
for file in $FileList


#just make this variable empty for every loop

#we need to get all non-proceeded files
let tailvalue=$count-$i

#we get only filename, without path
filename=$(basename $file)

#getting list of un-proceeded files, and we check if there is file with same filename
samefiles=`tail -${tailvalue} $ListOfFiles | grep $filename`

#starting loop for all same files
for samefile in $samefiles


#we get md5sum of filename with same name
msf=`md5sum $samefile | awk '{print $1}'`

#we get md5sum of original file
ms=`md5sum $file | awk '{print $1}'`

#we compare md5sums
if [ "$msf" = "$ms" ]; then

#if md5sums equal, we tell user about duplicated files
echo "File $file duplicated to $samefile"

#end of if loop

#end of while loop

#increase counter by 1
let i=$i+1


Salida de secuencia de comandos


Please enter directory where to search for duplicated files: /tmp

File /tmp/1/user.list duplicated to /tmp/user.list

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